Generate a professional and unique handwritten signature right here in the browser.
Use Wizlogo’s signature generator to create your free online signature
Generate hundreds of handwritten signatures online
Select from a range of signatures, including the best fonts
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Generate hundreds of custom signatures for your name
Creating your handwritten signature is hard, and we know it. Most people get their signatures while still in the first grade, however sometimes, it comes a time to change it. That’s where online signature generators such as Wizlogo come to help. Take your time and generate as many signatures as you want. We will do our best to generate the most beautiful signature out there.
Your signature represents your personality, so it is essential not to make it look messy. Most of the signatures are made from the first letters of the first or last name, however, there are many examples where signatures could have been better (long names, hard to understand). We suggest trying various formats and generating signatures you like.
Getting a signature is similar to creating a logo for your business. Once you get a signature, use it everywhere, it won’t be changed for a long time. When thinking of making one, your signature must be unique and contain your elements, such as first name or last name initials.
Get the answers to our common questions about making a custom signature online
Enter your name or initials, choose a style or font, and the tool will generate your signature.
Yes, you can select from various fonts and styles to personalize your signature.
Just creating your custom signature online will not make it valid. However, you can make your digital signature legal, but it depends on the local laws.
To use your generated signature on official documents, you need to get it on official documents, such as a passport.
You can download generated signatures in different formats like PNG or JPG for document use.
Yes, online signatures are equivalent to traditional handwritten signatures on paper in their legal standing. They are recognized with the exact authenticity.
A few successful examples on how to come up with a signature
Symbolizes confidence and assertiveness. It is ideal for those who are straightforward and value clarity.
Sophistication and grace. It is suited for individuals who appreciate classic aesthetics and detail.
Efficiency and a no-nonsense attitude. Perfect for those who prefer simplicity and modernity.
Indicates creativity and an artistic nature. Best for those who love to stand out and express individuality.
Suggests pragmatism and focus. Ideal for pragmatic individuals who value subtlety.
Evokes nostalgia and charm. For those who are sentimental and value tradition.
Implies innovation and uniqueness. Suited for out-of-the-box thinkers and those who defy conventions.
Conveys reliability and stability. It is best for individuals who prioritize professionalism and straightforwardness.
Shows playfulness and a free spirit. It is ideal for those with a youthful energy and a casual approach.