B Letter Logo Maker

Create B letter logo design with a free logo maker - a perfect solution for Beverage, Broadcasting, Booking businesses. Get results in one click.

Our Favorite Letter B Logo Examples

bazaart logo

Warm color gradient, rounded corners, and a loop in the middle of letter B create a really interesting logotype for an award-winning photo editing app - Bazaart. This logo has a red to purple gradient that makes white outline popout. All this composition makes a really great letter b logo.

beats by dre logo

One of the most iconic logotypes of today’s hip-hop and pop culture. It’s design - simple yet effective - clever use of negative space that forms letter b. It didn’t take long for this brand to become one of the most recognizable brands in the world. Acquired for $3 billion by Apple in 2014.

bloomin brands logo

A mixture of colors can make your logo look cheap. Bloomin Brands logotype pulls this off because it fits perfectly with the word “Bloomin”. The brand is estimated to be worth over $4 billion and has over thousand of restaurants under its name.

ok logo

A great example of creating a recognizable icon using only b letters. Three stacked b letters with some negative space form an “Ok” sign. Logo has a really great color contrast between white and red and makes it standout.

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More B Logo Examples

Discover more logos that represent the most recognizable brands worldwide. From small IT companies to large food markets and big corporations - all of them have something unique.

Frequently asked questions about our logo maker

Find most popular questions and answers about Wizlogo's logo maker

What is Wizlogo logo maker?

Wizlogo is a logo maker based on website browser. With an easy to use interface and great functionality - it helps thousands of people worldwide to create their brand identity and scale their businesses.

How To Create a Great Letter B logo

First, think about your brand in general. Focus on your main strengths and reflect them in your logo. Second, find an examples you like from other competitors. Stealing might be a wrong idea, but getting the best reference experiences are the keys to success. Finally, don't be afraid to experiment with different shapes and styles - that's the only way you can create something breathtaking.

How to select the right colors?

There are many tutorials on how to select the right color palette for your brand. As we think it can be difficult for non-designer person to feel the right colors, we recommend you to check our tutorial on choosing colors for your logo.